Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission – Now Child Maintenance Group within DWP
Project’s Clients
Project Details
“Gross Income” Scheme
Since the establishment of the Child Support Agency in 1993 its performance and the policy it administers have been subject to sustained criticism and public debate. This led to an in depth review of Child Maintenance policy and delivery arrangements in 2006 culminating in the publication of a White Paper “A new system of child maintenance”.
Following a public consultation on the White Paper, legislation was introduced to Parliament to establish a new Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission to facilitate innovative approaches to delivery and harness the expertise of the public, private and third sectors.
As a part of solution to address the public sector requirements of CMEC, OPA has been used to implement business requirements/policies in conjunction with Siebel CRM Application to avail the benefits and flexibility offered by the product.
There are five OPA modules used: Liability Calculation, Work Allocation, Arrears Routing Logic, Risk Score Calculator, and Transition Lookup. Each module in OPA consists of at least one rule base which contains rules to reflect various CMEC’s business policies. All the necessary information to infer an outcome in OPA rule base is provided through Oracle Siebel CRM application or from Middleware. The OPA rule base is invoked from the Siebel CRM application by a caseworker manually or is automatically invoked based on various triggers, and the inferred results are provided back to the Siebel application.
The solution enables to easily manage changing policy rules and customer circumstances to quickly and accurately determine eligibility and payment. It also reduces reliance on technical staff by allowing policy experts to author rules and rapidly reduces the time for changes to go live.